
Showing posts with the label Government of India

'One Station One Product' Scheme Increased the glory of Mau sarees, preparations to display sarees on the platform.

The One District One Product Scheme of the Government of India has infused a new energy and enthusiasm among lakhs of weavers families of Mau district . Under this, the 'One Station One Product ' scheme started by the Indian Railways has given new glory and flight to the workmanship and Sari of Mau weavers by giving a place to display ' Mau Saree ' at Mau Junction . Starting from the month of July, the sales figure is increasing every month at the stall. After the increase in demand, weavers have started changing the pattern and design of the saree to the North Indian style . On July 11, 2022, under the 'One Station One Product' scheme, the state government rewarded weaver Sarfarazuddin got approval to set up a stall of sarees manufactured in the district. After every 15 days, the weaver is given an extension of 15 days by taking token money of license fee i.e. one thousand rupees. In the initial month the sales were very less, but it is increasing month af...