
Chintpurni Dham is located in Himachal Pradesh. Chintpurni village is located in Una district of Himachal Pradesh state. Chintpurni Temple is situated on the hill of Sola Sighi Range. This place is one of the major religious places of Hindus. It is one of the 51 Shakti Peethas. Bharwai village which is situated on Hoshiarpur-Dharmashila road is 3 km from Chintpurni. Mata Chintpurni Temple Beautiful views of nature can be seen at this place. Many enchanting scenes enchant travelers on the journey and leave an indelible impression on them. It is the fifth Avtar of the nine Goddess starting from Vaishno Devi, Maa Chamunda Devi, Maa Vajreshwari Devi, Maa Jwala Devi, Maa Chintapurni Devi, Maa Naina Devi, Maa Mansa Devi, Maa Kalika Devi, Maa Shakambhari Devi etc. Every year a huge fair is organized here during Navratri Best time to visit Chintpurni The opening hours of the temple are from 4 am to 11 pm in summer and from 5 am to 10 pm in winter. The weather remains pl...