
Chitkul? Chitkul is a small village which is located in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh . It is the last and highest village in the Baspa Valley which is located at an altitude of 3,450 meters above sea level. It is also the last village in the country on the Indo-Tibetan border. This village is very unique for tourists. The beauty of this place attracts everyone. Surrounded by the Himalayan Mountains, this village has a colony of about 650 people who live in wooden houses. Here you will be surprised by the clear blue sky, clean air, the chirping of the birds, and the view of the sunset in the evening behind the snow-covered Himalayan Mountains. Devi Mathi Temple Situated on the right bank of the Baspa River, this village has three temples of the local goddess Mathi. The most prominent temple is in the middle of the village. The local people believe that Mathi, the goddess of the village, came here after taking a long journey from Vrindavan and th...